NESN: Start Here, Red Sox Campaign
NESN Sports Baseball Campaign
Budget reductions and tight timelines required this year’s Sports package to be pared down, but the production quality still had to be kept to a high level.
The team developed the concept of starting points as they applied to training, the players, the first pitch, the home run, the fans. We also played around with the visual element of neon signs, even purchasing a few for inspiration. Building a Red Sox letter “B” in neon was cost prohibitive and only one of the elements needed for the package, but it would have been pretty cool. I decided on a modular approach of neon graphic elements created in 3D that could be drawn on and off. This gave us the ability to make any shape we needed, inexpensively. An extra bonus was that animation elements translated well to print and billboards.
- Concept Development
- Art Direction
- Design
- Animation 2D/3D